I asked ai to make me a body builder. What do you guys think? Natty or juice? : r/nattyorjuice

4.5 (545) · $ 7.00 · In stock

8 years difference 81 kg vs 93kg : r/nattyorjuice

Dude is claiming natty on Instagram : r/nattyorjuice

One claims natty, one claims juice : r/nattyorjuice

21 y.o claims natty : r/nattyorjuice

Another one for you fine people : r/nattyorjuice

Me NaTuRaL aT 17, gtfo mate : r/nattyorjuice

How can you see yourself like this. And think “I gotta work on my (insert muscle)”. There's nothing you can make bigger, it's like you won the game already. : r/nattyorjuice